Super happy for my sellers in Epping!

Some sellers get in touch with me and we decide it’s not the right time to sell and make a plan for the future, sometimes even over a year later! These folks came to me in April and we had them on the Market by mid May (just in time for the cherry trees!), under agreement within 6 days, and closed 30 days later. It’s a team effort with the homeowners, stagers, cleaners, junk removers, painters, and landscapers!

And it’s always up the homeowner what they want to take on themselves, or, if they want to hire trusted vendors to handle some of the prep tasks. Amazing things can happen when you have a strategy and a game plan! I created my Seller Mastery Program® as a home selling system that has step-by-step procedures that make sure no one misses any steps, or, leaves any equity on the table!

Learn more about my bespoke program here: